REACH Reflections Burden and Hope

I've been visiting with students, their families, teachers, and other community members from Stewartville and other school districts all week. Many are anxious, scared, and unsure of their ability to cope with new ways of doing school, work, shopping, and living. Older students are caring for younger siblings, cousins, and other neighborhood children. Parents are worried about whether or not they will have a job tomorrow, how to pay their bills, and whether or not there will be food on their table. Their children feel this pain. For some families, school and online learning may be far down on their list of priorities.

As educators, we must accept this new reality, but at the same time offer hope. How do we accept this incredible burden, especially when we have our own set of worries about our own personal lives and our ability to teach effectively when not physically in our classrooms? Even though it feels like it, none of us are alone. We are all in this together - educators, students, families, and community. We lead by example. We offer unconditional love and non-judgmental support. We offer patience, understanding, compassion, and grace.

We willingly take on this burden.

This is what we do.

We are teachers.
