The Power of Music - Old Song, New Meaning "We're Not Gonna Take It!"

"We're Not Gonna Take It!" One of our favorite REACH lessons is about the power of music. We have great power with our words and the way we choose to deliver them. We have the power to create EMOTION. We have the power to put others down and create anger, hate, fear, and loneliness. We also have the power to bring others up and share inspiration, happiness, and love. Music is just one way to do that.

Take the time to watch 2 very different versions of the same song. Same song, same words, same artist. Different time, different purpose, different emotion.

The first version is an iconic fight song about not respecting or following authority that has inspired millions to be independent at all costs.  It has become a classic battle song over the last 34 years played by many high school bands before football games. The words do NOT create hate, but they also do not show the most positive perspective. ME AGAINST THE WORLD! NEVER GIVE IN!

The second version (above), even with the same words, creates a sense of hope. It is still a fight song, but the fight this version talks about is a noble one. This version inspires and creates awareness. This version shows a completely different emotion. SUPPORT THROUGH LOVE! NEVER GIVE UP! This is a great lesson!  Students are always engaged in this lesson because they likely have all felt these emotions at some point.
