My Last Days: Zach Sobiech

Wording and video from today's REACH classes connections and relationships lesson:
Today you are going to watch the following video about Zach Sobiech on your own and have the time to think about your own life and those who are in it.  This video is very emotional, so I am asking that you have the right attitude about it and its message so you can truly hear the message and reflect on the connections in your life.  It is NOT a video about death, rather a message about living life to the fullest.  The words from Zach's family and friends that keep coming up, over and over, are "relationships" and "connections".  Who are those relationships and connections strongest with in your life?  Who is your "other half"?  The other theme is that life isn't about money and "stuff".  The question you have to ask yourself is "What good am I doing for others?" and "How am I making the world a better place?"  Take the time to watch this video and reflect quietly to yourself.
